#mastery19 #tc1014 loops with while while is a funtion of python that permites you repeat code, while one condition were diferente or equal to another condition.
the use of else is only with a conditional, like if you first put the conditional if: and then the conditions, next you can put some actions, that will depend of the conditions, and next to you can put else: and the consecuence
WSQ07 #WSQ07 #tc1014 Sum of Numbers this program ask two numbers and give you the sum of the range betwen them one by one
code: print(" este programa te pedira 2 numeros y sumara los numeros que esten en ese rango")#Eutimio MAchuca Parra A01630244 x=int(input(" inserta el numero del cual empezara la suma")) y=int(input(" insrta el numero al cual llegara la suma")) print(sum(range(x,y+1)))
All about me #WSQ04 #TC0014 Why i'm studing ISC? because i like programion and creating solutions for problems with help of programation.
this is my favorite autor because he wrote the lord of rings
also I can play guitar
#wsq03 #TC0014
Fun with numbers: this program displays the sum, the rest, the product and the division of two numbers that the user give I readed this book https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_DoPYxhXbEELUFIcVJjVDVjbjQ&authuser=0 on page 85 for create list and here is my program https://mega.co.nz/#!s5gghbRL!vq2dw24NoOEijz4vj1Z23CVrr906OujSUD9JAaIqvpI