jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015


#mastery19                #tc1014 

loops with while
 while is a funtion of python that permites you repeat code, while one condition were diferente or equal to another condition.

On to the funtion #WSQ08 WSQ08 TC1014

#TC1014 #tc1014 #wsq08

Creating new python 3 funtions
new funtions can be created in python3 for a shorter code, and easir way to program.

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015

#TC1014 #mastery16 #MASTERY16 #tc1014

#TC1014 #mastery16 #MASTERY16 #tc1014


the use of else is only with a conditional, like if
you first put the conditional if: and then the conditions, next you can put some actions, that will depend of the conditions, and next to you can put else: and the consecuence

here's my video

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

MASTERY 15 #mastery15 TC1014 use of if

USE of conditional IF/else

this funtion permits to the program choose between two options, 
the option chosen depends of the answer of the user

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

WSQ07 #wsq07 #TC1014

WSQ07   #WSQ07  #tc1014  

Sum of Numbers
this program ask two numbers and give you the sum of the range betwen them one by one

 print(" este programa te pedira 2 numeros y sumara los numeros que esten en ese rango")#Eutimio MAchuca Parra A01630244
x=int(input(" inserta el numero del cual empezara la suma"))
y=int(input(" insrta el numero al cual llegara la suma"))

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

Importing and using Python modules #mastery13

  1. Importing and using Python modules
#Mastery13 #MASTERY13 #mastery13 #TC1014 #tc1014

This is mastery 13 in wich is showed how to import and use python modules

WSQ06 pick a Number

#WSQ06 #wsq06 #TC1014 #tc1014
Pick a number
this program is a mini game 
in wich you have to guess
the hidden number.

here's my *.py program 

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

Mastery01 #mastery01 #tc1014

#Mastery01 #TC014

Ability to create Python file and run from command line


#WSQ05  #TC1014

I made this program to convert farenheit to celsius 
with this formula formula is C = 5 ∗ (F − 32)/9.  in wich C meas celsius and F means farenheit 

And here is my program 
All about me
#WSQ04  #TC0014
Why i'm studing ISC?
because i like programion and creating solutions for problems with help of programation.

this is my favorite autor because he wrote the lord of rings
also I can play guitar

                                 #wsq03 #TC0014

Fun with numbers:
this program displays the sum, the rest, the product and the division of two numbers that the user give

I readed this book
on page 85 for create list

and here is my program