jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

#quizz11 #QUIZZ11 #itsaboutbananas #tc1014

Quizz 11
question 1

find how many "bananas" there are  in a *.txt file
for this funtions I need to open a *.file in python and, search on it the word "banana"
cont its and display results

question 2 
find bananas no matters if banana is written with capital letters or minus letters
TXT file with lot of bananas

#Quizz10 Quizz10

#tc1014 #quizz10

Question 1
the funtions for this question, ask for a lists of numebrs, and convert it to 3's multiples and sum all return the result

question 2
this funtion return you the product point of   2 list of numbers.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015


My plan for finishing this course is, that, I will read the  last capitules of thinkpython's book
also I'll go for some asesorias, I will check the masteries that I had done and I'll do the rest of masteries with video tring to obtain at least 2 points to complete points, I'll be reading and creating masteries by the weekend of friday 24th, and I hope obtain a good final qualification.

chile's volcano

Bonus Quizz #ECOES #bonusquizz #TC1014


This is ECOAS, I've fill it out
this is a evaluation, in where the students evaluated their professor's performance during the semester, and we can thanks or clain, and this opinion will be taken in count, for preparing better our professors and realize how students feel

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

QUIZ9 TC1014

#quizz9   #tc1014 #group3 #quiz9

Answers to examn partial 2 

links to github code:
question 1    distance betwen 2 points
question 2    triangle of 't' 
question 3    superpower
question 4    fibonacci

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

#mastery12 MASTERY 12

Mastery # 12 

Funtions are very helpful, when you are programming, this can simplify your code, and make it easy to re-use the same procedimient or funtion.
here's a example about how to create python funtions.
def funtion(b,c): # this is the funtion, begins with def name(parameters)

    if  (b>c):
    elif (b<c):
#here finish the funtion
b=int(input(print(" give me a number")))
c=int(input(print("give me another number")))
ans=funtion(b,c) # here the funtion is called and asigned to a variable
print(ans) # and here's were the funtion show us the results

mastery 11 #mastery11


To call a funtion you have first to import the module, in which the funtion is contained, or you can create your own funtions.

example code:

#mastery09 Mastery 09 #Tc1014


Types are a category for things within Python with which Python will work. Types are:
Whole numbers from negative infinity to infinity, such as 1, 0, -5, etc.
Short for "floating point number," any rational number, usually used with decimals such as 2.8 or 3.14159.
A set of letters, numbers, or other characters.
A list with a fixed number of elements. ie x=(1,2,3) parentheses makes it a tuple.
A list without a fixed number of elements. ie x=[1,2,3] note the square brackets, a list
A type with multiple elements i.e. x = {1: 'a','b': 2,3: 3} where you address the elements with, e.g., a text..

teaken from: http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Python/Basic_data_types
To obtain a "type" you can use the variable inside a type() and it will return you the type of variable that are you using.
and the program will show you that this variable is of int's type

martes, 7 de abril de 2015

wsq14 #wsq14


Estimating e

This picture resumed very well e, and how to calculate it,
 first I do a funtion to obtain the factorial number, and then i made a funtion that calculate e and every result, were more and more exactly.

and finally, here's my code on github:

sábado, 4 de abril de 2015

mastery 23

#mastery23 #tc1014
creation and use of lists in python 3.

mastery17 tc1014

#mastery17 #tc1014
  Mastery 17
 Use of  "elif" with a conditional

elif: means else plus if
it is used when we have multiple choices, and for write less code.

viernes, 3 de abril de 2015


#mastery02    #tc1014
Ability to create Python project in IDE and run inside the IDE

I use the program of    pycharm  for this mastery

and here's my demostration video

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015


#wsq13   #tc1014

WSQ13 – Babylonian Method

hello, this is my wsq13 in which I use the babylonian method for obtaining a square root for a number,

I can undestood the babylonian method thanks to this  video.

here's my code: